Zach Cook

Vice President of Engineering

Zach joined EPS in 2017, bringing a background in Automatic Controls and Dynamics to the team. As Vice President of Engineering, Zach leads the design department in the development of large-scale machinery and other automated mechanical equipment. During his graduate studies, he worked on many projects which included designing and producing 3D printed prosthetics for children, using electro-mechanical devices and micro controllers to design a functioning patented card shuffler, and developing UAV drone swarms.


Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

First introduction to the industry:

I was a huge Disneyland fan growing up, so working on things in theme parks was a goal of mine.

What I listen to at work:

Large Variety.

Dream Vacation:

Touring through Europe.

When I'm not at work...

I’m swing dancing.