Courtney Nichols

Head of Installations and Show Support

Courtney Nichols joined EPS in 2022 and serves as Head of Installations and Show Support. With more than 20 years’ experience in the entertainment industry, she has a rigging background in installation, inspection, project management, and show operations in a variety of entertainment venues. Courtney has been working in contemporary circus since 2009 when she joined creation and then operations at House of Dancing Water for Dragone, and in 2014 she joined the Cirque du Soleil’s touring show division where she worked on many shows both arena and big top.


Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Design and Production, Towson University

First introduction to the industry:

Listening to the cast recording cassette of Phantom and Les Mis peaked my interest, but finally seeing the spectacle of those shows really sold me.

What I listen to at work:

Anything I can sing along with or tap my toes to, mostly ‘90s Irish/Boston Punk and Sondheim Musicals.

Dream Vacation:

Any time spent on the water or adjacent to, favorite vacations are spent on house boats.

When I'm not at work...

Hiking with the dog and kiddo, reading, making, and cooking.