Aaron Tresselt


Aaron Tresselt joined EPS in 2023 as Fabricator. As a certified welder, Aaron has the experience to construct unique solutions for applications across diverse industries. His interest in building and disassembly is what drew him initially to the automotive field, and he brings this mechanical skillset to the team to solve problems for EPS’ clients.


Certified Welder

First introduction to the industry:

I have always been a very hands on and into building and taking things apart. I have been around building my whole life between family and friends.

What I listen to at work:

Metal and Rock are my go-tos, but I listen to every type of genre. Lynyrd Skynyrd rules!

Dream Vacation:

I want to travel to Australia or the Netherlands.

When I'm not at work...

I’m going to a lot of concerts. I’m very into stand up comedy.